Black Friday, originated in the United States and marks the official start of holiday shopping. This tradition, which began in the 1960s with significant discounts the day after Thanksgiving, has crossed borders, impacting various sectors such as technology, fashion, and more recently, tourism.

¿What is Black Friday and what is its origin?

The term Black Friday originated in Philadelphia, when retail stores began offering massive discounts, generating a huge flow of shoppers and taking companies  accounts from ‘red numbers’ to ‘black numbers,’ meaning profits. This day of deals has become global, and now millions of people take advantage of the event to find exclusive promotions on products and services of all kinds.

Exclusive Black Friday offers at abba Hotels

At abba Hotels, we understand the importance of offering competitive discounts without compromising quality. That’s why Black Friday is a special occasion where we launch our best promotions of the year.

This 2024, our offers will start on November 26th and extend until December 15th, giving you a total of 20 days to take advantage of the season’s lowest prices.

During this period, you can enjoy a 20% discount by booking directly on our website. But that’s not all—if you’re a member of our abbantage program, you’ll receive an additional 5% off on your bookings. Plus, if you subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll give you an extra 10% off the final price.

How to Make the Most of abba Hotel’s Promotions on Black Friday

Black Friday is the perfect time to book that getaway you have in mind. Whether you’re planning a weekend escape, a family vacation, or a couple’s retreat, at abba Hotels you’ll find offers designed for every type of traveler. Make sure to sign up for our loyalty program and subscribe to our communications to access the best promotions.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity of the year! Take advantage of Black Friday discounts at abba Hotels and enjoy an unforgettable experience in any of our destinations. We look forward to welcoming you!